Double the pleasure, double the fun...that's why this week's episode, Minimizing Stigma, Maximizing Pleasure, has two amazing guests joining us to talk about safer sex and pleasure!
First we delve into ways to make sexual health something that centers pleasure and a way to give us all some P.E.A.C.E. of mind with Mystkue Woods, certified sexologist, sexuality arts educator, and writer (and a member of the Healing Exchange team) working to integrate expressive arts into sexual and reproductive wellness for all!
You can find Mystkue on Instagram @mystkue, or at Healing Exchange, and find out more about Black Women PrEP Too.

Then we sit down with Molly Pearson, an educator, writer, and advocate who's work centers around sex, identity, aging, illness, community, and the risks we take to survive and make life worth living. We discuss the ways in which even the most sex positive spaces can leave behind those who live with incurable STIs and HIV. Then we work to imagine a world where sexuality and pleasure is rooted in community care.
Learn more about the What Would an HIV Doula Do? (WWHIVDD) collective, give a listen to the song Molly referenced "You Suck" by Consolidated, checkout the essay "Unprepared" by Alexander McClelland, learn more about Courtney Brame and his work with Something Positive for Positive People, and connect with Love Positive Women to find ways to celebrate those in our communities living their full lives with HIV.
Interested in diving deeper? Each episode we provide a worksheet or resource to add to your toolbox of self-exploration. This week, we offer up a space for you to create your own Sexual Health Toolkit, which is in the Season 1 worksheet.
Want to engage with us? Then send us one of your questions today! Give us something to talk about and share a question here that you have about sex, relationships, and trauma to be featured on a future episode.
Soft Landing is created, hosted, and edited by Rafaella Fiallo and Eric Jones. The intro, outro, and transition music all provided by: and produced by White Hot.