Coming down from that BDSM high? Don't worry, we've got you covered with aftercare and a soft landing! This week's episode, Putting the Ki in Kink, has us talking about BDSM & Kink. We are joined by Ms K, a kink and sex educator and founder of Deliciously Perverted. We explore the links of sci-fi conventions and Catholic school as gateways to kinky play. Then we explore the ins and outs of adult playtime in Kink & BDSM spaces, from safewords and safety tips, to negotiations and vetting potential play partners, and aftercare and BDSM on a budget.

Learn more about Ms K on Instagram and explore all of her deliciously perverted content!
Interested in diving deeper? Each episode we provide a worksheet or resource to add to your toolbox of self-exploration. This week, we offer up a BDSM & Kink Checklist. Find it in the Season 1 worksheet.
Want to engage with us? Then send us one of your questions today and give us something to talk about! Share a question here that you have about sex, relationships, and trauma to be featured on a future episode. Find us on Instagram @softlandingpodcast!
Soft Landing is created, hosted, and edited by Rafaella Fiallo and Eric Jones. The intro, outro, and transition music all provided by: and produced by White Hot.